The Board and Authorities of the CMF

The collegiate body is the one in charge of the superior management of the Financial Market Commission (CMF), called Board, integrated by five commissioners appointed as detailed in the law: (i) one of the Commissioners is appointed by the President of the Republic and will have the role of Chairperson of the Commission and Service Head; and (ii) the four remaining Commissioners are appointed by the President of the Republic by means of a supreme decree through the Ministry of Finance, following ratification by the Senate.

The Law establishes that the composition of a diverse Board that balances experience and technical knowledge must be permanently ensured.

The term of office of the Chairperson of the Commission is four years, while the period of the other Commissioners is six years in their positions, being able to be reelected and are renewed in pairs every three years.

The Deputy Chairperson elected by the Board among its members, subrogates the Chairperson in case of absence or temporary inability.

The Board

Solange Berstein

Solange Berstein Jáuregui, Chairwoman.

Bernardita Piedrabuena

Bernardita Piedrabuena Keymer, Deputy Chairwoman.

Augusto Iglesias

Augusto Iglesias Palau, Commissioner.

Catherine Tornel

Catherine Tornel León, Commissioner​.

Beltrán de Ramón

Beltrán de Ramón Acevedo, Commissioner.


Andrés Montes

Andrés Montes Cruz, Prosecutor of the Investigation Unit.

Osvaldo Adasme

Osvaldo Adasme Donoso, General Director of Prudential Supervision.

Daniel García

Daniel García Schilling, General Director of Market Conduct Supervision.

Patricio Valenzuela

Patricio Valenzuela Concha, General Director of Market Conduct Regulation.

Nancy Silva

Nancy Silva Salas, General Director of Studies, Statistics & Data.

José Antonio Gaspar

José Antonio Gaspar Candia, General Legal Director.

Jimena Moreno

Jimena Moreno Hernández, General Director of Administration and Operations.

Juan Francisco Cantillana

Juan Francisco Cantillana Paredes, General Director of Personnel.

Eduardo Oñate

Eduardo Oñate Escalona, General Director of Information Technologies.

Gerardo Bravo

Gerardo Bravo Riquelme, General Secretary.

Regulations and functions of the Council

Functions of the Chairperson of the Commission

The Board's main functions

Board's Internal Rules (Spanish)

Law Nº 21,000 that creates the Financial Market Commission (Spanish)

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