- To exercise the powers and perform functions entrusted by law to the Commission.
- To establish policies for planning, organization, management, coordination and control of the functioning of the Commission.
- To establish policies for the administration, acquisition and transfer of goods.
- To issue general rules, circulars, official circulars, and other resolutions that are required.
- To resolve sanctioning procedures that originate from indictments, applying the corresponding sanctions, depending on the case.
- To formulate reform proposals to legal and regulatory rules to the President of the Republic, through the Ministry of Finance.
- To resolve on the subscription of agreements or memorandum of understanding.
- To submit complaints to the Public Ministry [Department of Justice] for the facts brought to its knowledge in the exercise of its attributions and which may be considered as offenses.
- To elaborate an annual public report, within the first four-month period of each year.
- To temporarily suspend, in serious and urgent cases duly qualified, totally or partially, by reasoned resolution, the activities of a supervised person or entity or the quoting or trading of one or more securities, and adopt, in general, any preventive or corrective measure provided by law.
- To issue the resolutions concerning the authorization of existence, operation and mergers or reorganizations of the supervised entities, as appropriate and, in general, to reach a decision on any other authorization or registration that the Commission must grant within the scope of its powers.