Financial Market Commission Board

Bernardita Piedrabuena Keymer, Deputy Chairwoman

Bernardita Piedrabuena

PhD in Economics from the Universidad de Chile, Master's Degree in Economics, and a Commercial Engineering Degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Mrs. Piedrabuena has an extensive professional career in public policies related to the financial market. She has been Capital Markets and International Finance Coordinator and Macroeconomic Area Coordinator of the Ministry of Finance of Chile; member of the Fiscal Advisory Council; and Advisor to both the Ministry of Economy and the Senate of the Republic of Chile.

Prior to joining the Financial Market Commission, Mrs. Piedrabuena worked as Corporate Risk Manager at the Central Bank of Chile, and has been a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); chief economist at the consulting firm Zahler & Co.; board member of Empresa Nacional del Petróleo (ENAP); vice president of COTRISA; and member of Moneda Asset's MDLAT Vigilance Committee, among other positions. She has also lectured at the Faculty of Economics and Business, the School of Industrial Engineering and at the Faculty of Law of Universidad de Chile; also at the Institute of Economics of Universidad Católica de Chile; the Faculty of Economics and Business of Universidad Diego Portales and at Adolfo Ibáñez University.

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