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CMF reports on the performance of supervised banks and cooperatives as of December 2024

Loans in the banking system posted a decline of 0.61 percent in 12 months due to the performance of the commercial and consumer portfolios.

February 28, 2025 - Loans in the banking system fell by 0.61 percent over 12 months due to declines of 2.15 percent in the commercial portfolio and 0.33 percent in the consumer portfolio.

Total loans and loans by portfolio, banking system

(Real annual variation expressed in percentage)

Purple: Total loans. Red: Commercial loans. Blue: Consumer loans. Green: Housing loans.

In terms of credit risk, the loan-loss provisions index (LLPI) moved from 2.49 to 2.6 percent during the month, while the arrears ratio of 90 days or more (AR90) increased from 2.35 to 2.36 percent. The impaired portfolio ratio (IPR) showed no variation at 6.19 percent.

There were dissimilar behaviors by portfolio versus last month as risk indices in the housing portfolio increased; consumer portfolio indices fell except for the LLPI, which rose; and only the IPR declined in the commercial portfolio.

All credit risk indices increased compared to 12 months ago. By portfolio, indices grew for commercial and housing loans and declined, except the provisions index, for consumer loans.

Monthly profits for January reached CLP 311,579 million (USD 315 million), declining by 17.45 percent versus last month and by 9.16 percent versus January of last year. Accordingly, the return on average equity (ROE) was 15.1 percent and the return on average assets (RAA) 1.25 percent. Both figures were lower than the ones posted in December. The RAA increased compared to a year ago while the ROE decreased.

Supervised Cooperatives

Loans granted by savings and credit cooperatives supervised by the CMF expanded by 7.33 percent over 12 months. The consumer portfolio, which represents 70.21 percent of said loans, is the main reason behind this result as it grew by 5.89 percent. The housing and commercial portfolios increased by 12.29 and 3.56 percent, respectively.

Total loans and loans by portfolio, savings and credit cooperatives

(Real annual variation expressed in percentage)

Purple: Total loans. Red: Commercial loans. Blue: Consumer loans. Green: Housing loans.

Regarding credit risk, the provisions index (PI) increased to 3.94 percent; the AR90 to 2.2 percent; and the IPR to 7.75 percent. These trends were due to index behavior in the consumer portfolio.

The PI grew compared to 12 months ago after similar trends in the consumer portfolio. The AR90 fell in that span due to the commercial and housing portfolios, and the IPR showed no variation as a decline in the housing portfolio was countered by increases in the other two portfolios.

Monthly profits for January reached CLP 2,955 million (USD 3 million) for a decline of 69.99 percent versus last month but a growth of 24.19 percent versus last year. Accordingly, the ROE was 12.43 percent and the RAA 2.66 percent. Both figures declined compared to last month but increased versus the same month last year.

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