April 22, 2024 - The Financial Market Commission (CMF) alerts the public about a series of entities offering loans that are neither supervised by the Commission nor registered in its rolls.
According to information gathered by the CMF's Investigation Unit, these entities claim to be supervised by the Commission. They offer loans through their websites while requesting advance payments from applicants. After making said advance payments, applicants never receive the agreed funds.
Therefore, the CMF will file charges against any responsible parties before the Public Prosecutor's Office for alleged fraud. The identified entities are:
- Financiacoop, an impersonator of Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito para el Desarrollo FINANCOOP hosted at financiacoopcl dot com.
- Cooperativa Financiera el Rosario (cooprosariocl dot info).
- An impersonator of Servicio de Normalización y Cobranza Normaliza S.A. which operates through WhatsApp.
- Financiera Kelti S.A., an impersonator of KELTI S.A hosted at keltifinanciera dot com.
The Commission also reminds the public about the special alerts page for investors, policyholders, and banking customers available on its website. Interested parties can verify here whether an entity or person offering financial products or services is supervised by the CMF; check alerts issued by the CMF and other foreign regulators on unregulated entities or activities; and other important advice for the protection of investors, policyholders, and financial clients.