CMF releases monthly indebtedness indicators

  • Median debt reached CLP 2,088,296 as of July 2022. The financial burden was 16.27 percent, and leverage reached 2.98 times income.
  • Monthly indebtedness indicators are available in the CMF's Temporary Series Statistical Database.

October 19, 2022 - The Financial Market Commission (CMF) released today statistics on individual indebtedness as of July 2022. Median debt for individuals in the banking system reached CLP 2,088,296 as of July 2022, while the financial burden was 16.27 percent and leverage reached 2.98 times income.

Graph 1: Debt level by period in Chilean pesos.

Graph 2: Financial leverage expressed in percentage.

Graph 3: Financial burden expressed in times income.


  • Values shown in these graphs correspond to the median of the distribution. Red dots highlight the latest available data (June 2022) and the lowest value observed during the last 30 months.
  • Debt Level: Median of banking system debtors in CLP.
  • Financial Burden: percentage of monthly income allocated to pay financial obligations.
  • Financial Leverage: number of monthly incomes debtors would need to fully pay their financial obligations.

Debtors and Arrears

Data on debtors and arrears by term and financial institution as of July 2022 is as follows:

Table 1: Arrears by term (up to date, less than 90 days, over 90 days) and debt amount.

Table 2: Number of debtors by term and financial institution.


  • Debtors are grouped in Table 1 according to the longest arrears in days reported for each type of asset and bank. This means the same debtor can appear in multiple arrears categories.
  • Table 2 displays the net amount (by unique National ID Number) of debtors for every bank. For example, a debtor with debts in different types of assets whose arrears are distributed in more than one category will be counted as one in the total for each institution and, at the same time, in the total of the banking system.

Indebtedness databases compiled by the Commission are available in the CMF's Temporary Series Statistical Database (BEST, for its Spanish acronym) though the menu on the left side of the screen. Details of these statistics, their location in the BEST platform and their periodicity are displayed in the following table. A direct link is also included for added convenience.


Location in BEST


First Available on…

Indicators of indebtedness

Risk & Performance / Risk / Household Indebtedness


January 2017

Debtors by portfolio and term of debt

Clients / System Debtors / By Portfolio and Term of Debt


January 2016

Debtors by financial institution and term of debt

Clients / System Debtors / By Financial Institution and Term of Debt


January 2016

Debtors by gender and term of debt

Gender / Indebtedness / Debtors


January 2016

Arrears by portfolio and term of debt

Risk & Performance / Risk / Banks / Credit / Arrears / System / By Portfolio / Amounts


January 2016

Arrears by financial institution and term of debt

Risk & Performance / Risk / Banks / Credit / Arrears / By Financial Institution / Amounts


January 2016

Arrears by gender and term of debt

Gender / Arrears / Amounts


January 2016

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